UPRN 10015860176

A unique property reference number in Langtoft

Location Map

Unique Property Reference Number 10015860176 is assigned to a property in Langtoft.

The marker on the map shows the location of this UPRN. Note that UPRNs can stack or overlap, so the map does not necessarily show precisely which property it is assigned to. See Limitations of the Data for more detail on this.

This appears to be a deprecated UPRN. It was not included in the most recent OS Open UPRN database update. The documentation supplied by OS does not give any clues as to why a UPRN may be removed from the latest update, but the most plausible assumption is that it has been deleted or marked as historic.


Latitude: 54.1051285 / 54°6'18"N

Longitude: -0.4796086 / 0°28'46"W

OS Eastings: 499507.55

OS Northings: 468759.78

OS Grid: SE995687

Location Encoding

Mapcode National: GBR TN2Z.Y5

Mapcode Global: WHGCY.L2TR

Plus Code: 9C6X4G4C+35

Maidenhead Locator System: IO94sc25

What are these?

Data Associations

USRN (street): 45901425

Nearest Postcode: YO25 3BN

See other UPRNs close to 10015860176

External Links

Search 10015860176 at Google

10015860176 address at FindMyAddress

More Maps

Bing Maps

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Google Satellite

Open Streetmap

OS GetOutside


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External links may go to a dead end or 404 page, as we have no way to verify that the UPRN is active. Some external sites may require a log in or acceptance of terms in order to view content. Information on external sites is not necessarily open data.

Ordnance Survey Open Data for UPRN 10015860176

OpenStreetMap elements which contain UPRN 10015860176

Only elements which have a name or address or are classified as "building", "amenity" or "leisure" are shown. Administrative areas (eg, council boundaries) are not shown. Elements are listed in order of size, from smallest to largest. OSM data is updated weekly, so this may not reflect recent changes to the map data.

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